This autumn was a delight! It was the most beautiful autumn I remember.
And I think it’s worth admiring and remembering. And that’s not hard, because this season was the heaven of the photographers! So, I selected for you some of the most beautiful landscapes from Romania. I thank everyone who contributed. I am sure there are still many undiscovered photos left, we can always add. And because these images do not need too many words, I invite you to enjoy the work of the most talented painter: The Universe!
Ieud, Maramureș | photographer Lică Oniga
Ieud, Maramureș |photographer Lică Oniga
Valea Vaserului, Maramureș | photographer Dorin Lucian Sveduneac
Biertan, Sibiu | photographer Dorin Lucian Sveduneac
Stupca, Suceava| photographer Dorin Lucian Sveduneac
Bega river, Timișoara | photographer Robert Szakál
National Park Cheile Nerei Beușnița, Caraş-Severin | photographer Daniel Humelnicu
La Văioagă Waterfall, Caraș-Severin | photographer Atilla Bărsan
Apuseni Mountains |photographer Eduard Guțescu
Fundătura Ponorului, Hunedoara | photographer Eduard Guțescu
Apuseni Mountains| photographer Eduard Guțescu
Gura Portiței, Tulcea | photographer Dragoș Asaftei
Natural Park Comana, Giurgiu | photographer Dragoș Asaftei
Transfăgărășan| photographer Dragoș Asaftei
Lake Saint Ana, Harghita | photographer Fodor István
Iași | photographer Alexandru Drăgan
Bicaz Pass | photographer Alexandru Drăgan
Olt Valley | photographer Dragoș Asaftei
Harghita | photographer Alexandru Drăgan
Cheile Tișitei, Vrancea | photographer Alexandru Drăgan
Cheile Grădiștei | photo by Cheile Grădiștei Resort
”Land of Brâncuși”, Târgu Jiu, Gorj | photographer Ionel Scăunașu
”Land of Brâncuși”, Târgu Jiu, Gorj | photographer Ionel Scăunașu
Vidraru Lake, Argeș | photographer Cosmin Badea
Iovan Valley, Gorj County | photographer Ciprian Floare
Cisnădioara, Sibiu | photographer Daniel Conțiu
La Văioagă Waterfall, Caraş-Severin | photographer Daniel Humelnicu
Bucharest | photographer Dana Ștefănescu
Bucharest | photographer Dan Mihai Bălănescu
“Simion Bărnuțiu” Central Park in Cluj | photographer Dan Bodea, Transilvania Reporter
Carol Park, Bucharest | photographer Dan Mihai Bălănescu
If you liked my selection, please share. You may also like The most beautiful Romanian winter landscapes.
Jurnalist de televiziune cu peste 20 ani experiență (B1TV, Digi24, Prima Tv), blogger de călătorii și specialist în comunicare și promovare turistică. Dacă apreciezi ce scriu, te rog susține această activitate cu o donație către Asociația Bonton pentru Oameni și Cultură, Cont IBAN RO78BTRLRONCRT0CQ6938301, CIF 48710592. Găsești datele și pe